Minggu, 03 April 2011

Blessing Weight Body For Kim Cattrall

After 12 years playing the character Samantha Jones, who teased and always tune in to the fashion world, Kim Cattrall thirst to explore different character, until he took the role as a porn star. Demands of the role to add weight to 10 kilograms of weight too, lived with ease.
Indie film titled "Meet Monica velor" planned for 8 April coming out is what makes Cattrall say goodbye temporarily to the body trim, and a big heart to be fat. In the story the film, she played Linda Romanoli, porn stars are getting old who live in the suburbs in a car caravan. Catrall was actually no problem with raising his own weight and consider it a fun thing.
"The truth is something comforting, like a Barbie doll to get rid of, discard, and start from scratch again. This is my rest period of the diet since 25 years and it's fun. We were filming in Detroit and there are lots of tasty snacks. I eat and drink anything as much for six weeks "recalls 54-year-old artist was mild.
Although it acknowledged was a "rest period" a happy, Cattrall had to go back to tighten his stomach, literally, to undergo the process of filming the next, the film project "Ghost Writer" made by Roman Polanski who was circulated first on the big screen last year. He underwent cardio workout using a treadmill, to avoid bread, milk, sweet foods, and all types of meat, in order to look up and pulled back to serve as assistant to former British Prime Minister, the character played by Pierce Brosnan.
Cattrall hopes with his role as porn star Linda, people can see it as an actress is intact, that the prior plays Samantha, she is a senior actress with a filmography of more than 35 movies, television series, and theater are all varied.
"I love to get involved in 'Sex and the City'. It was a dream job and a very interesting character to play. But, before the series, I've become an actress, and hopefully I will continue the same profession until I can not speak or move, "he said bluntly.

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