Minggu, 03 April 2011

Berlusconi girls like "Gift"

ROME - The girls in sex party Silvio Berlusconi is described like a "gift" that was sent to the Prime Minister of Italy. Similarly, according to new evidence that sticking a few days before the scheduled trial Berluconi sex scandal.
Berlusconi accused of abuse of office and transact sex with a prostitute who was underage. Transactions sex is not something that is illegal in Italy, but tranksasi with an underage prostitute is a violation of law. The trial against Berlusconi, who began to be held in Milan on Wednesday (06/04/2011), will include allegations of young girls who are paid to perform striptease dances on the Prime Minister's mansion on the outskirts of Milan.
Berlusconi is not compulsory, according to Italian law, to appear in court on Wednesday, and predicted he would not attend, although the overall charges against him could make him sentenced to 15 years in prison.
The trial is expected on that day most will set a trial schedule. Berlusconi, who has denied all the allegations, saying it is more convenient for him to attend the hearing on Monday.
The flamboyant Prime Minister was accused of having paid sex services to a dozen occasions last year with Karima El Mahroug, Moroccan-born erotic dancer who was known by his stage name Ruby the Heart Stealer, when she was 17 years old, or less a year of legal age prostitution in Italy. Prosecutors alleged that the girl was one of the 33 girls who slept with 74-year-old billionaire was in return for a cash and gifts, including jewelry, cars, and apartments for free.
New evidence emerged Thursday, as reported by The Telegraph, from 20,000 pages of prosecution files about how a "harem" was recruited for sex parties Berlusconi called the party "interest rate" is. Investigators intercepted telephone conversations revealed, the women were referred to in code as a "gift" that "sent" to Berlusconi and other clients.
The Telegraph reported, the leader of the recruiters the girls were allegedly Dario 'Catfish' Mora (55), a talent scout for the world of celebrities and friends of Berlusconi. Mora has denied acting as a pimp for Berlusconi. However, in tapping the leaked conversations she allegedly had told a showgirl, Roberta Bonasia (26) to dress nurse uniforms while attending a party of Berlusconi. Mora instructed the girl that Berlusconi likes "malingering".
Berlusconi is unlikely to attend the trial on Monday for the other cases, where one of his company, Mediaset, was accused of fraud and tax evasion. He denies all the allegations. On that day, he expected to travel to Tunis for talks with the Government of Tunisia-related efforts to stem the flow of migrants and refugees who tried to reach the Italian coast by boat.

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