Rabu, 06 April 2011

Sex Scandal Revealed, Berlusconi Anxiety

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, was also worried about the age of teen erotic dancers he paid for sexual services. Berlusconi's anxiety was revealed in telephone intercepts recorded conversation that dirili Tuesday (5/4/2011), the day before the trial court over the case on Wednesday.
Berlusconi (74), who refused to attend the first hearing the case today in Milan, was recorded discussing the teen age girl, Karima El Mahroug, known by his stage name Ruby Heart thief. Prosecutors said that Berlusconi paid the girl for sex services in 13 chance when Ruby worked as an escort who was 17 years old, or less a year of legal age prostitution in Italy, and that Berlusconi then tried to cover up its relationship with the girl with his position menyalagunakan .

If the court of Milan can prove that Berlusconi guilty, he could be jailed up to 15 years. If he gets sentenced to more than five years, he would be prevented from holding public office again. So, his political career would be ended. However, legal experts said the charges related to prostitution with minors would be difficult to prove because both he and Ruby have been denied the sex act.
Records of conversations between 43 young stars who are involved in sex Skanda Berlusconi has been leaked to the press for weeks. In a conversation between the girl, for example, there are worries among them about the possibility of Berlusconi transmit various venereal diseases, including AIDS. There is also about jealousy between them about the different gifts or payments received from Mr Berlusconi. However, lead conversations Berlusconi himself has never appeared until yesterday.
Lead tape leaked results revealed yesterday consisted of three parts. In rekamanan first, people suspected of Berlusconi seems to speak with people suspected of Nicole Minetti, a former showgirl-blooded Anglo-Italian and a dentist who has been pushed forward to Berlusconi's political stage as a member of the board of Lombardy region. In percapakan it, recorded on August 1 last year, Minetti (25) warned that a public prosecutor wants to question him about Berlusconi's relationship with Ruby, women born in Morocco and whose original name was El Karima Mahroug.
Based on the transcript of the conversation, as quoted by The Telegraph, the person who allegedly heard Mr Berlusconi said, "OK, what is important is there are many people who can guarantee the fact that (Ruby) gave a different age with the actual age. Once that happens, there is no more to say. We just help him because we felt sorry for him. Let us hope that it does not turn into something messy. "
Ruby has said that when he first started attending private parties Berlusconi in February last year, he had lied by saying that the age of 24 years. However, a few months later he admitted that he was still 17 years old.
Minetti is alleged to have acted as a pimp to "ensure the supply of" women for Berlusconi. The girl was given a place to stay for free in an apartment in Milan. Italian law enforcement officials are investigating allegations Minetti as a pimp.
The second conversation, on 26 September last year, involving Berlusconi and Skorkina Raissa, a Russian-born star, who appeared to use a single language code when asking for money to the Prime Minister's. Skorkina allegedly phoned Berlusconi at his residence outside Milan, Villa San Martino, to tell that he was "running out of petrol". Berlusconi initially did not understand what she meant. But she later understood, then said, "Ah, I understand. OK, I'll tell Spinelli." Spinelli is Giuseppe Spinelli, accountants Berlusconi. Prosecutors believe Spinelli was the one who channeled hundreds of thousands of euros for women in the circle in Berlusconi.
The third conversation, recorded on October 4, allegedly between Berlusconi with Marysthelle Polanco, a showgirl from the Dominican Republic, Central America. The girl asked for help Berlusconi in finding a job in television and Berlusconi was willing.
According to the Telegraph, a poll published Tuesday showed that the scandal "Rubygate" has been affected in Berlusconi's popularity among voters. Rating dropped from 50 percent in May last year to a record low, namely 33 percent.

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