Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

The President of Libya ; Gaddafi’s ‘The Amazonian Guard’ Female Bodyguard Team

With all the attention the Libyan protests are getting, I'm changing today's Buzz girl up a little bit. All day long people have been blogging and talking about Libyan leader Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi's all-female bodyguard details. This "elite force" is known as the "Amazonian Guard" and, according to Mediaite, "every member must, allegedly, be a virgin hand-picked by Gaddafi, and must then undergo extensive martial arts and firearms training at a special academy before becoming official members of the force."  A deeper look at Muammar Qaddafi's weird world at The Atlantic, more of the Amazonian Guard pictures at DJ Mick, more reaction at Barstool NYC, or just watch a video after the jump.

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