Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Kesha Joy Nude On Canvas

Los Angeles - Pop star Kesha now have a new hobby to overcome its saturation when going through a long tour.

Kesha now likes to paint herself naked on a canvas. He splashed paint onto the canvas and then, he rolled it gulingan on canvas.

Today, Kesha is undergoing a long U.S. tour and monotonous. Finally, he looked for new ways to overcome these kebosanannya during their tour.

"Nude on canvas makes me feel free and excited," said Kesha on music magazine Q.
Posted on 23.34 / 0 komentar / Read More

Liv Tyler Wants to Duet with Her father

Liv Tyler appears to have the desire to be a duet with her ​​father, Steven Tyler, lead singer of Aerosmith. It was during this indeed has never been tried in a professional duet with Steven.

"Actually we often sing together, but not professionally. We often discuss things to do together," said Liv Tyler, as quoted from popeater.com

The actress who did not know the identity of her father at the age of 9 years, is already preparing plans to do a recording together with Steven. But the rush to make them difficult to see.

"Sometimes when he (Steven) in the recording studio, he asked me to come to be a background singer and sing along. But I usually I can not come or are difficult to reconcile our schedule," said Liv.

Liv relationship with Steven was quite close. They often collaborated in various projects, such as when she became a model Aerosmith video. He also really liked when his father became judge on American Idol. According to him, since Steve became the jury, people can see another side of his personality.

"Many people talk to me about my father, they told me dad was funny and honest. That's very sweet, because it is the figure that I know so far. Very interesting people around the world saw another side of him," said Liv.
Posted on 23.29 / 0 komentar / Read More

Lily Allen Take the Tractor on Wedding Day

British singer famous through the song "Smile", Lily Allen, will be married on June 11, 2011. His wedding with Sam Cooper is quite unique, because they will make the tractor as a wedding vehicle.

Rural become a theme wedding that show Lily and Cooper will be held in Gloucestershire. The 25-year-old singer is planning to not return a career in the music world after marriage. He chose to be housewives.

"Fill my mind is full of it (make music) for 25 years. Music is no longer controlling. I want to get married, have kids and make a sandwich and then cut it," Lily said as quoted by contactmusic.com

Lily and Sam started dating since 2009. They've got engaged on Christmas Day in Bali, exactly December 25, 2010, several weeks after Lily suffered a miscarriage. That is one reason why Lily wants to leave the world of music.

In fact, Lily talent in music is very big. He left school to concentrate on music and in 2005 he created the demo itself, and then uploading them on MySpace. Single, entitled "Smile" had been in the top list "UK Singles Chart in July 2006.
Posted on 23.17 / 0 komentar / Read More

Angelina Jolie Spy on Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie's relationship with Brad Pitt back into the limelight. The couple reportedly were arguing. The tension was caused because Jolie fears that her life partner is very worried about having an affair with co-star in her latest film.

In fact, due to fears of excessive Jolie Pitt reportedly threatened the mother of six children to leave New Orleans which is the latest filming locations Pitt. The actor was feeling very uncomfortable because he felt Jolie's attitude was very disturbing.

"Jolie Pitt felt watching all the time. He thinks it's really disturbing," said the source was quoted as saying of Hollywoodlife, Friday, April 1, 2011.

During his filming of 'Cogan's Trade' in New Orleans, Jolie was never absent accompany such a handsome man. This was done to determine if Jolie's spouse did not flirt or engage in talks with another woman.

"Pitt look like Angelina Jolie is trying to watch him if he was teasing his co-star in the film," said another source.

With the concern of excessive Jolie, Pitt would find it difficult to focus with his work. Still, Jolie reportedly still will try to continue to spy on the activities of Pitt on the set.
Posted on 23.10 / 0 komentar / Read More

Joanne Salley's Topless Pictures Spread Like Wildfire

These sensational pictures have rocked one of Britain’s most hallowed institutions – Harrow School. Topless photographs of an art tutor at the £30,000-a-year private school have been circulating its classrooms, dorms and corridors.
Joanne Salley, 32, a former model and TV presenter, posed provocatively in just a tight pair of jeans. In one shot she is draped over a bookcase crammed with tomes on art history.
Her tousled brunette hair reaches down to the small of her tanned back. In another moody image, she stares straight at the camera. The pictures were captured by a fellow teacher at the school, professional photographer Fiona Corthine, as first reported by the Daily Mail’s Richard Kay.
They are believed to have been taken on school grounds – in its art rooms. The pictures were discovered by a pupil in the school’s photography laboratory – where they had been left on a memory stick.
To the horror of Miss Salley –a former Miss Northern Ireland who used to go out with England rugby star Matt Dawson – the pictures circulated like wildfire on pupils’ mobiles.
They have been seen by the majority of the school’s 825 male pupils, its teachers and even its kitchen staff. Pupils who forwarded these pictures to the Mail did so after censoring them with modesty boxes.
The images have even made it as far as Miss Salley’s former school – Merchant Taylors’. Pupils first started to receive the pictures – on their iPhones and BlackBerries – last weekend.
Harrow staff, noticing a stir, were made aware of the scandal on Tuesday. They have since demanded that all pupils delete the pictures.
Any pupil caught circulating them has been threatened with immediate suspension. Sources at the school said humiliated Miss Salley, a former Cambridge University student, fled the school in tears and was not expected to return.
Pupils have been told she fears her reputation has been so damaged, she will never teach again.
‘She was already the subject of hundreds of schoolboy crushes so naturally the photos went round the school like wildfire’, said a source.
This is not the first time Miss Salley has attracted unwanted attention to the school. She revealed in 2006 that she had received advances from one of the pupils.
‘One of the boys kept sending me love letters…another pupil used to turn up to my classes even though I didn’t teach him,’ she said.
Miss Salley has taught at the school for several years, but took a career break a few years ago to work for Comic Relief does Fame Academy and as a researcher for the BBC’s Hard Sell.
Prior to her teaching career, she co-hosted The Big Breakfast with Johnny Vaughan on Channel Four and also starred in an advert for the Peugeot 106.
The trained ballet dancer dated Mr Dawson for six years before the couple split in 2008. Harrow head Barnaby Leon stood by his employee.
He said: ‘Joanne Salley is a long-standing and successful art teacher. The pictures were stolen without the agreement of the photographer, who holds the copyright. The matter is being investigated.
‘Joanne was understandably very upset’
Miss Salley was unavailable for comment. Harrow was founded in 1572 under a Royal Charter sanctioned by Elizabeth I.
Two kings and seven prime ministers attended the school, including Winston Churchill and Robert Peel.

source: (http://english.kompas.com/read/2011/04/01/11360797/Teachers.Topless.Pictures.Spread.Like.Wildfire)
Posted on 22.23 / 0 komentar / Read More

This model nude if the Indian Cricket Champion

Indian women are educated to dress modestly at all times. However, popular model Poonam Pandey (20) promises to take off all her clothes if the Indian cricket team won the Cricket World Cup in the final at Mumbai, April 2.

Pandey, who looks to make India a swimsuit calendar edition sells, said he wanted to motivate the players. "I'm fanatical cricket fan and supporter of the national team. Team India needs to support and this is my way of supporting them, "he said. Pandey support so far succeeded as India beat Pakistan in the semifinals on Wednesday (30 / 3), and will face Sri Lanka in the final.

Pandey remind the world on the model from Paraguay, Larissa Riquelme, who vowed to run naked if Paraguay's soccer team won the 2010 World Cup. Paraguay defeated Spain in the quarterfinals, but Riquelme still posing naked in front of the national flag.
Posted on 22.18 / 0 komentar / Read More

Jessica Biel and A Photographer Together in Mountain

Loving relationships are built actress Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake had just run aground. Now instead spotted Jessica mojok with a photographer in the mountains.

The man is Jimmy Chin, who works as a photographer famous. Both were seen together at the resort Hotel Terra, the mountains of Jackson Hole, Wyoming on 27 March.

"They met last year when both mountain climbing Kilimanjaro in Africa and since then they close," said a source quoted by Showbiz Spy, Friday (1/4/2011).

Jimmy Chin is a man from Asia who has a passion for travel activities, hiking and skiing. The works of brown-skinned man was more about the mountains and nature.

Jessica dropped out of Justin in March 2011 after establishing the love since 2007. Previously, Jessica was dating actor Adam LaVorgna for 3 years. He also menjalni love with actor Chris Evans for three years.

While gossip proximity Justin with a new woman has not been circulated. Before they officially break up, news of the engagement and pregnancy to them.
Posted on 21.18 / 0 komentar / Read More

Hailee Steinfeld Be A Sleeping Beauty

Hailee Steinfeld winning Oscar nominations selected as the main character in the classic fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. Different from the original story, this film uses a new concept, written from the perspective of Princess Aurora.

The screenplay offers a plot that almost resembles 'Inception,' as quoted huffingtonpost.com website. 14-year-old star, must find a way out after thrown into the world of dreams.

This film will be the second major role for Steinfeld, after his first breakthrough as Mattie Ross in the movie 'True Grit. "

Last month, he also had a role in a film titled 'Forgotten. "In the film adaptation of the book, the Los Angeles-born star, 11 December 1996, it will portray a girl who loses her memory every day at 16:33.

At first, Steinfeld also vying for major roles in the film adaptation of the book series' The Hunger Games. "However, he was defeated by the older stars, Jennifer Lawrence.
Posted on 21.03 / 0 komentar / Read More

Beyonce End Relationship with Her Dad

Pop Star Beyonce terminate the business relationship with his father, Matthew Knowles, who has become manager of this Grammy-winning 16 as a teenager.

However, singer song 'Hello' is to ensure that his relationship with his father only at the level of business separately.

''He is thethe father in my life and I loved my father , ''said the29-year-oldsingerwas quoted as saying the site eonline.com .

Jay-Z's wife was admitted grateful for the role of the father throughout kaiernya until today. Beyonce's career is definitely uphill ever since he joined in the group Destiny's Child in the late 1990s. A former member of the trio, Kelly Rowland, cut off ties with Beyonce in January 2009.
Posted on 20.58 / 0 komentar / Read More

Kate Winslet & Guy Pearce did Hot Scene in 'Mildred Pierce'

After the success of 'Revolutionary Road', the actress Kate Winslet will be presenting his acting again in 'Mildred Pierce'. In the mini-series, Kate did hot scene with co-star Guy Pearce.

As reported by The Sun, Friday (01/04/2011), 'Mildred Pierce' adapted from the film with the same title released in 1945. In the United States, the mini-series that began airing on HBO since 27 March.

In the mini series was filmed Todd Haynes, Kate served as Mildred Pierce, the wife who tried to defend his family during a recession in the United States in 1930. Meanwhile, Guy served as a playboy, Monty Beragon.

During this time, Kate is an actress who is very careful in melakoni vulgar scene in the movie. Throughout her career, Kate exciting scene just three times, namely in the mini-series, the 'Titanic' and 'The Reader'.

Meanwhile, in the near future, British actress will release her latest film, 'Contagion'. The movie was action-thriller genre that, she appeared with Matt Damon, Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow.

source: http://infotainmentcomplexion.blogspot.com/2011/04/kate-winslet-guy-pearce-play-hot-scene.html
Posted on 20.50 / 0 komentar / Read More
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